Thank you for choosing Heronbank Cat Rescue!

Your homecheck and meet and greet will take place virtually.

We have introduced an admin fee of £10 for the homecheck which will either be deducted from your adoption fee if you are successful or refunded if you do not pass. You will be contacted by a member of our team for a £10 homecheck fee before your application will be processed.


Homechecks: You will be required to have a virtual homecheck by video call (you will need one of the following apps: Whatsapp, Facetime or Facebook Messenger).  You will also need to submit a minimum of 3 photos of your home, a photo of your garden/outdoor areas and a photographic identification that includes your address (i.e. drivers license).  Your homecheck will then be passed to our panel who will vote on it and you will be given your decision in due course.

Adoptions: On completion of a successful homecheck, you will be contacted by one of our fosterers who will complete a meet and greet via video call.  If you decide that this is the cat/kitten for you, the foster will agree a convenient time for collection.

In The Meantime…

While you are waiting for us to contact you, why not check out our available cats on our Website and look at our Facebook group for cats that have just come in and may not have made it to our website yet.

 If you DO NOT hear from us within 2 working days please get in touch. 

New Owner Information


We are grateful to you for adopting our cats and kittens – Thank You. We and our foster carer’s have done our best to care for these animals and they deserve the best homes possible!


We have put together some new owner guidelines which we hope you will find useful.


Slow introductions to other cats work best. Give them their own space and time to become accustomed to each other. This may take days, weeks or even months.

All cats can be different with a move. We recommend starting in one room, building up their confidence before letting them around the house. Speak to a member of our team if you would like more information on how to introduce your chosen cat.


Adult cats will usually eat either wet food, biscuits, or both. Kittens should be fed on wet kitten food initially at regular intervals and kitten biscuits should always be available. Cats are carnivores. They need taurine on a regular basis to stay healthy. This usually comes from their meaty or fishy food and biscuits. Cats cannot live on a vegetarian diet as they cannot manufacture taurine.

Veterinary Care

You should register your kitten with your local vets for its annual boaster. If a cat or kitten falls ill, we are always available to give advice and your local vet will be happy to give appropriate treatment. Kittens can deteriorate rapidly and help should be sought as early as possible.


Adult Cats and kittens over the age of 5 months will be neutered by us before they leave. Younger kittens will be neutered at 5 months of age.  Contact Heronbank when your kitten turns 5 months and we will book you into the Mirfield branch of Donaldson’s vets on a day that suits you.

Flea Treatment

Cats and kittens should always be treated using a product recommended by your vet. We would advise you to consult a vet for the correct products for flea and worm treatments as some products available in supermarkets and pet stores can be harmful to kittens.  In rescue we use stronghold for kittens under 2.5kg and Advantage on cats over 2.5kg (larger cats will need a  product that is appropriate for heavier cats.


Kittens over 8 weeks, and adult cats, should be wormed using a product recommended by your vet regularly. Spot on treatments and granules are much easier than tablets. Please be aware that not all wormers treat all worms. Cats, particularly outdoor cats, have a variety of worms, so it is wise to alternate worming products.

Cat Bites

Even the most domesticated cat can bite in stressful situations. Cat bites are painful and can cause infection. Hospital treatment should be sought immediately.


We cannot board your animals e.g in the case of a holiday or house move, however your local cattery should be able to help. Please note, catteries require current vaccination certificates in order to board your animals. Alternatively, family, friends or neighbours might be prepared to call in each day to feed your pet
and clean out the litter tray.

Thank you for supporting Heronbank Cat Rescue!